Congratulatory telegrams

Nikol Pashinyan congratulates President-elect of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Ebrahim Raisi on being elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The message reads, in part:

“Dear Mr. Raisi,

On behalf of the people and the government of the Republic of Armenia, as well as on my own behalf, I warmly congratulate you on being elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

I am confident that the coming years of your tenure will open up a new chapter in the history of the Iranian people and in that of Armenian-Iranian friendly relations for the sake of our two countries’ development, progress and prosperity.

I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the important role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in maintaining stability and peace in the region and, at the same time, reaffirm the readiness of the Republic of Armenia to deal with regional challenges through joint efforts.

I am hopeful that your tenure will be marked by new achievements in the relations between our two friendly countries.

I am confident that through joint efforts we will be able to advance the agenda of our bilateral cooperation, enriching it with new programs and initiatives.

I wish you good health, fruitful work, as well as peace and prosperity - to the friendly people of Iran.”

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