Domestic visits
The Prime Minister attends the housewarming ceremony of the multi-apartment building built in Aparan
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Today, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the housewarming ceremony of the multi-apartment building built in Aparan city of Aragatsotn region. It was built to solve the task of providing housing for 38 families living in dilapidated building at Baghramyan N 43 and Garegin Nzhdeh N 7.
The Prime Minister congratulated everyone on the occasion of the construction of the multi-apartment building and noted in his speech. "Among other problems in Armenia, we also have a problem related to dilapidated building. Unfortunately, there are a large number of dilapidated buildings in the republic, and we are constantly thinking about how to solve this issue. I cannot say that we are solving this issue at a very fast pace, but of course we have to think about it. Returning to today's event, I consider it necessary to record what I wish to the families who will celebrate the housewarming today. I want those families, receiving these apartments from the Government and the state budget, to focus on work, and their children - on education."
According to Nikol Pashinyan, people work, they pay taxes to the state budget, and the government is able to implement such programs with the funds of the state budget. "I want all the residents of this building to work, pay taxes to the state budget, so that others who have various needs also get their share. Taxes are not paid to the state, people pay themselves, and this building is an example of that," said the Head of the Government, adding that thanks to these taxes, roads are paved, medical centers, schools, kindergartens are built, etc. "I want you to enter your homes today with this understanding. Today, of course, I came to see with my own eyes that everything is done with quality and I hope it is so. I want to wish you a happy New Year, we are already entering the new year and I want you to celebrate the New Year and Christmas in high mood," said the Prime Minister.
Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the importance of perceiving the Republic of Armenia as something belonging to all of us. "This is our problem, let's learn together to plant trees, plant flowers, keep clean together, share with each other. And the sense of ownership doesn't necessarily require fences, doors with big locks, the sense of ownership inside the door is enhanced by the sense of ownership outside the door, because that ownership starts, yes, I don't know whether it starts there or here. The Republic of Armenia is the property of all of us, because if we perceive our property as the inside of our building, we will forget our real greatest property and greatest wealth, which is the Republic of Armenia. By providing these apartments to you today, the Republic of Armenia wants you to feel happy there, to feel free, to feel a proud citizen of a proud country, but it is not a toast, it is a job that we must do together."
Next, the Prime Minister toured the apartments of the newly built building, got acquainted with the quality of the construction works and the created conditions.
According to those in charge, the new multi-apartment building with 43 apartments was built with 682 million AMD of state funds, 38 of which will be allocated to families living in dilapidated buildings, and 2 will be allocated to families whose houses were destroyed in Aparan as a result of the 1988 Spitak earthquake who did not receive an apartment before, and 3 more to the families of the fallen servicemen.