Press releases
“I wish you would not dream of having a car, but of creating a new vehicle”- PM visits Vahan village secondary school on September 1
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On Knowledge and Schooling Day, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Ms. Anna Hakobyan visited a secondary school in the border village of Vahan of Gegharkunik Marz.
The Premier congratulated students, teachers and parents on Knowledge and Schooling Day and attended a ceremony dedicated to first-graders.
“I am pleased to celebrate this wonderful day in this wonderful corner of our country, in such a wonderful environment. And today from here, from the border village of Vahan, my words will be addressed not only to the schoolchildren of Vahan village, but also to all students in the Republic of Armenia.
I want you to be confident in your abilities, I want you to realize that the most important tool of faith in your strength is knowledge, because knowledge helps us discover the world around us, knowledge helps us identify ourselves, our history, find out who we are, where we are coming from, what our past was and what future we need to plan for ourselves, our children, our homeland.
I want all students, all children, all teenagers in the Republic of Armenia to broaden their horizons, think on a large scale, not focus on small problems and small goals, but set big goals, set goals not on the scale of their street, district or even their city, region or homeland, but they set themselves goals that are world-wide, world-class, and if we go even further, then to goals of a cosmic scale. And I wish you would not dream of having a car, but of creating a new vehicle. I want each of you to think and dream not about money, I want each of you to think and dream about the Nobel Prize.
I do not want each of you to think about having gold jewelry, I want each of you to think about winning a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
There is a well-known saying: “If you want to change the world, change yourself.” However, the question arises: how to change, how each of us should and can change ourselves? And my answer to this question is this: if you want to change, if you want to change yourself, you must and must believe in your ability to change the world, in your mission to change the world, in your will to change the world.
And today, September 1, Knowledge Day is just such a day for me. This is the day when everyone, from these children to high school students, must enter through these doors, believing in their mission to change the world, believing in their ability to change the world, believing in their will to change the world.
September 1 is just the day on which each of us begins the path to a great future, to the realization of a mission designed to make the world even better. And in this regard, I would like to congratulate all of us, all those present, all students of the republic, all students, all teenagers and youth representatives on the Day of Knowledge, because in this school, in any school in general and in any educational institution, we must learn and teach ourselves to one - to change the world, change our country, change our village, change our life, even change our historical fate.
And this is our mission, and we must follow the path of victories. Each of you must follow the path of victories. And, therefore, September 1 is the day of victory for each of you, for each of us, you just have to go straight and confidently and accept your part of this victory. Congratulations to all of you.”
The Prime Minister presented computers to the first-graders. This year there were 15 first graders. Nikol Pashinyan and Ms. Anna Hakobyan walked around the school, got acquainted with the conditions and problems of the educational institution. In particular, the school director raised the issue of providing the school with computers and drinking water. The Prime Minister promised to resolve the issue in the near future.
Then Nikol Pashinyan and Anna Hakobyan laid flowers at the Memorial and the graves of those Vahan village residents who perished during the Karabakh Liberation War.