Press releases

Multifunctional mountain resort to be built in Aragatsotn province: Government approves Myler investment program


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A Cabinet meeting was held today, chaired by Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The government approved an investment program submitted by Myler Mountain Resort CJSC, which will be implemented on the territory of Aparan community in Aragatsotn Marz of Armenia. The company plans to create a multifunctional mountain complex. The project seeks to ensure diversity and develop inbound tourism, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle among the population in line with the government’s economic development strategy. About 250 construction workers and engineers will be involved in the project. Some 1500 permanent jobs with an average salary of 180 thousand drams will be available after the project is complete.

The project will be expanded at the next stages covering additional services. The company intends to spend nearly 15 billion drams on the construction of a cable car and ski tracks to guarantee the development of a new tourist city around it. By attracting new investors, the company plans to invest another 15 billion drams in the hotel sector.

The government next approved the draft laws on amending the RA laws On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education, On Primary Vocational (Crafts) and Secondary Vocational Education, and On Education. The amendments envisage an opportunity for the government to establish academic programs in the field of higher and postgraduate vocational education, as well as to form student groups of primary professional and secondary vocational programs in state-run educational institutions, which can enjoy benefits provided by the state in full or in part.

According to Acting Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Vahram Dumanyan, special student groups shall be formed to provide financial support to those who have participated in combat operations, students with two or more minor children, full-time undergraduate students or those enrolled in integrated education programs. The government will develop a regulatory framework to streamline the relations arising from the provision of benefits. Thresholds shall be established to assess the students’ academic achievements. Accordingly, an appropriate amount of compensation will be provided in order to encourage students and ensure the quality of education.

A decision was passed to ensure uninterrupted supply of vaccines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to the rationale, Armenia is going to get a vaccine under the agreement signed with COVAX FACILITY. The Ministry of Healthcare shall be allowed to purchase vaccines produced by Chinese Sinopharm and German Pfizer companies which will lead to 10% increase in the number of vaccinated citizens (500 thousand doses for 250 thousand people with 2 doses).

The World Health Organization recommended the use of these vaccines in emergency situations. Note that Sinopharm vaccine is also applicable to the age groups between 3 and 17. The government will earmark 3,459 million drams from the Reserve Fund for the purchase of the aforementioned vaccines.

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