Statements and messages of the Prime Minister of RA

Madagascar hands over to Armenia OIF Summit presidency


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On the margins of the 17th Summit of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan participated in the plenary session of the heads of the official delegations of Francophone countries, during which the OIF Summit presidency was transferred from Madagascar to Armenia.

In his speech, Prime Minister Pashinyan stated, in part:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mr. President of the Republic of Madagascar, the transfer of the chairmanship of the Francophone Summit is an exciting moment indeed.

We fully realize the responsibility that the Republic of Armenia undertakes in terms of ensuring the presidency over the next two years. I would like to reiterate my appreciation to all member countries and governments for this high confidence.

I also want to express our gratitude and congratulate the Republic of Madagascar for bringing important benefits to La Francophonie and for the accomplishments you have had since the Antananarivo Summit.

Confronted with so many challenges that face our societies, it is crucial for us to rally around our universal values, based on the shared respect for our diversity by constantly encouraging exchange and solidarity between different parts of the commonwealth of La Francophonie. These are the conditions that can make of the motto of “Living together” a source of peace and prosperity in the Francophone area.

It is a very nice endeavor to make a wish to act for the principles and values that describe the motto of “Living together,” which are enshrined in the appeal we are going to make.

Faced up with the crisis of the proposed multidimensional world, we wish to further strengthen cooperation and discussions between the Francophone networks, regional and sub-regional organizations in matters relating to peace, security, climate change, sustainable development or human rights, as cooperation is sure to add to the effectiveness of our efforts. It will also help La Francophonie to strengthen its position as a key player in the field of international relations. The invitation to think about these issues is at the heart of our Forum’s proceedings.

It is high time to declare the 17th Summit of the States and governments rallied around the French language open.

Thank you.”

The meeting focused on the election of OIF Secretary General, as well as on the need for entertaining a closer dialog and enhanced cooperation between the Francophone countries.

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